Happy Golden Jubilee 2015 - Happy New Year 2016!

I penned this article for SG50 but decided not to release it on the day because the press and social media has already been pouring out with an overdose. Overkill is a better word as even fish cakes have SG50 on it which does not make sense as it meant that you actually have less fish cake as they trimmed off fish cake in the middle to create SG50.

No matter what, some folks would scream "propaganda" which is true. Tell me which country or group do not have propaganda? To tell you the truth, there are more Amos Yee out there then you know, it is just that there are smaller versions of him. People including adults who spoke like him or worse, difference being they did not put it on Youtube. Amos do have some good points at times but it is the way he has chosen to express himself that is the problem. Also he needs to use his voice better or he sounds like the Chipmunks. At the end of the day, his talents can be put to better use and once he gets no attention things will be normal. It is just that we never had anyone like him before. In countries where so many are like that, no one pays attention. 

Golden Jubilee

What is a Golden Jubilee? It is a celebration to mark a 50th Anniversary. Why is it important? Because it is firstly a milestone. On old roads, you will find a classic stone set up beside a road to mark the distance in miles to a particular place. It is also a significant stage or event in the development of something. 

We lived in weekly cycle of seven. Every building blocks of animal and plant life have seven-day cycles. The human body has this cyclical rhythm for example menstruation for women. Is the seven-day week an invention of culture and religion? You decide - they conducted tests on rodents, insects and plants where such life forms has no inkling of calendar, nor read anything religious and knows no difference between Santa Claus and and the planets, how do we explain the innate rhythms in them? 

Is it an coincidence with creation? ...and on the seventh day God ended His work that He had made (Genesis 2:1-3). I shall stop here as there will be too many comparisons. 

My Generation

So, therefore, Singapore has just completed 7 cycles of 7 years and now we are embarking on the journey ahead with the 50th year as a new milestone. I do not represent any political parties and my views are entirely my own. I have grown up in a generation with friends where we saw and experienced life as it was back then. I came from a family that was poor but not as poor as many others in the sense that Singapore itself was not as well off so almost most people were rather poor. 

In fact, when I look back, my life (including working life) closely reflected the country's fortunes and development. Here is the article I have previously written:


I deeply admired many, not all but mostly the members of our country's leadership in the ''old guard''. They could command the respect of people individually, made sacrifices and led with distinction and honour. They have people from all walks of life. The era is sadly over but honouring the pioneers was a very good gesture as I have seen them through the years. What shall my beloved Singapore do or be like in future? It is really you what each of us will make of it.

Golf As In Life

Do not get mistaken that I am talking golf. If you do not talk to me about golf I will never initiate it and you will never know how passionate I am or how much knowledge I have about golf.

Gary Player is widely regarded as one of the greatest players in the history of golf and known as the Black Knight. He has won more than 165 tournaments worldwide including nine majors. When Singapore's S. Murali interviewed the 79 year old at St. Andrews, the first thing that Player said was "Singapore? Best run country in the world." That sums up what many thought about our country despite our warts and all. Every family has their problems. 

Best run does not mean there are no flaws. Like the game of golf which reflects life, you have to face the natural elements and forces, learn how to read and overcome them, play to your strength, avoid mistakes, train and enhance your skills, have consistent application, have courage and not be intimidated by obstacles, recover from you errors and press on. Your competition is yourself and you are your own worst enemy. 

You may or may not agree with him and I can't really tell you about it because I have never lived elsewhere as much as I have travelled. Many too may not know as we have been here long and generally spoiled in some ways. Lesson here - do not take things for granted.

Gary Player is well known for his fitness. He met a very fit 15 year old boy after a round of 18 hole and challenge him at push ups. The boy went to 36 and fell flat while Gary was just warming up. Lesson here - keep fit to play golf, not play golf to keep fit. Keep healthy and be a spunky old man. To him, the best golfers that ever lived were Ben Hogan, Sam Snead and Bobby Jones. Player said that Bobby Jones has the best swing you have ever seen in your life. Bobby Jones himself once said: "Golf is the closest game in the game we call life. You get bad breaks from good shots and you get good breaks from bad shots - but you have to play the ball where it lies.'' Stay healthy if you can or at least do something about it. Life is such - bad breaks from good shots and good breaks from bad shots.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7KKYw4AjiU (Bob's swing)

Golf is not a snobbish game. Only to some people. It is one that humbles and teaches you. So I hope this so called best run country in the world will not reduce golf courses to nought. Be humble. Be willing to teach and share. Just as in golf, we should do the same in life - play as it lies. 

Our Golden Jubilee started in August but when you wake up on 1st January, you will find things seem to be the same. For those of you doing very well, stay humble and make humility your virtue and for those who are not, keep the faith. In soccer parlance, they say the ball is round which means anything can happen. You see, the Earth is round too. She rotates and she orbits around the sun. So one moment you are ahead and then the next you are behind. Our planet is doing it at an amazing speed many times faster than a bullet. So too our solar system orbiting the galaxy. What I am saying is no matter who or where you are, you are really too insignificant. Besides this, we are oblivious that we are moving all the time despite that you could be sitting in your office or in your home's living room. Life is about time and space and we are like little ants crawling on say a roller-coaster. 

They say that when one has a lot of money, everyday is like a New Year. I do not agree with that take simply because if you were to celebrate, eat so much and drink too much 365 days, you will get sick and be completely bored. If every one was good then there would not be any gossipers and back-stabbers among your colleagues and friends so you may end up inventing other festivals or creating events for such purposes.

For those who are students, note that your PSLE, O Levels or other educational results do not define your career or your success in life. Education is important but it is more important to be a person with character and is well-rounded. You will need more survival skills and other life skills than just an ''A'' in your report card. All parents should take note too. I have known too many successful people who did not do very well when they were younger. Some were actually terrible. You have to find your own path. Even your inherited wealth does not guarantee you anything.

Learn - learn all your life, every minute and from everywhere and every situation.  Question everything - question the textbooks, the teachers, the religious teachings, the rituals at work or at play, question what you read and you will be great. Curious minds will discover new things and keep you away from troubles. A formidable mind is your greatest weapon. Never let money, people or the past control you. This is the path to freedom. 

When the euphoria of the New Year dies down, you will be back to facing the same things. Your fears, your worries, your challenges, your setbacks, your problems. You would not know what 2016 may bring but you prepare yourself to be ready come what may. You decide now to have a happy new year. Then you write the first page of the story. Your story. The journey can be long and arduous along the way but you must begin with the end in mind. How do you get to the ending you want is what you have to do now at the beginning. Like a sculptor using his hammer and chisel patiently chipping away at a block of marble with no shape and form. Do you realise the sculptor is actually chipping away at the non-essentials, the parts he does not want. This is what you have to do to yourselves. It is not always about adding but subtracting. I don't know about you but this is what I wanna do. Question is would it be the gym or the beer.

I say you will have a bright, happy and successful new year! Bruce Lee once said: ''Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do''. I wish everyone and your family a blessed New Year! May good health, peace and happiness be upon you!


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