Happy Golden Jubilee 2015 - Happy New Year 2016!

I penned this article for SG50 but decided not to release it on the day because the press and social media has already been pouring out with an overdose. Overkill is a better word as even fish cakes have SG50 on it which does not make sense as it meant that you actually have less fish cake as they trimmed off fish cake in the middle to create SG50. No matter what, some folks would scream "propaganda" which is true. Tell me which country or group do not have propaganda? To tell you the truth, there are more Amos Yee out there then you know, it is just that there are smaller versions of him. People including adults who spoke like him or worse, difference being they did not put it on Youtube. Amos do have some good points at times but it is the way he has chosen to express himself that is the problem. Also he needs to use his voice better or he sounds like the Chipmunks. At the end of the day, his talents can be put to better use and once he gets no attention things will be n...