
Paul is not only the alien in that  alien movie but also a name that you can find among great musicians, sports stars, a Saint or even among friends - good and bad ones.


But like that movie, everyone wants a piece of Paul. 

The French Family Bakery and Patisserie since 1889. Okay, now let me say it to you in French - Paul, Boulangerie et Patisserie Francaise depuis 1889. (They were establised in the city of Croix by Charlemagne Mayot).

It was a public holiday, Vesak Day and I feel I should buy the family a good brunch. We had to be there early because there is always a queue waiting to get in especially the one just beside Takashimaya. I thought most people would be at the temple but we got to wait in the queue for a while.

The food range is good, there is something for everyone - Piece de Boeuf, Cabillaud Royal, Cuisse de Poulet Roti, and many more. They will stop serving breakfast menu at 11am so if you want to have some breakfast food you have to be early. This was a different brunch I had the previous week of Prata de Roti.

Huge Macaroon awaits you at the end.

Tarts and all.

Don't forget to bring your wallet though. It costs more but for the quality I would not say it is expensive and it depends on what you order.

I realised it was a special day. The anniversary of the day I started work more than 30 years ago. I won't say exactly how many years but it is long enough to say that I outlasted Sir Alex Ferguson and Steven Gerrard. They said that I could be anything, so I decided to be a legend. It was so many years ago that it has turned me from Linkin Park to Jurassic Park.

(Linkin Park - What I've Done):

Well the last time I had this which was like a salmon puff.

The setting is typically and unmistakably French.

I decided on something light, I always like and very difficult to make - Eggs Benedict! There are tricks and timing to perform in preparing this eggs like swirling vinegared water into a vortex and sliding the egg in, etc. 

It is thus easier to pay for it and just swirl your fork and spoon and go for the jugular. I like the mess it makes as the yolk ooze out. I must say the bread here is fantastic. 

Depending on hunger pangs and taste buds, you can choose simple smoked salmon sandwich with lots of greens.

Or go for the more deadly duck comfit.

I was sure glad I took this tuna. It is too awesome.

I had a great one in Phnom Penh but it was tuna with black sesame.

You must try it when you are here.

Really great dish!

You can choose your own dessert with no regrets because they are all good.

You probably won''t have enough.

It would be a good idea that you choose different types for the variety and share them. It was a very good brunch.

After so many years at work, I'll just be somewhere I belong and leave out all the rest. Maybe, I am just the messenger.

(Linkin Park - Somewhere I Belong):

(Linkin Park - Leave Out All The Rest):

(Linkin Park - The Messenger):

As I reflect on the years gone by, pondering what might have been. The song lyrics lingered.

"Your instincts telling you to run, listen to your heart. Those angel voices, they'll sing to you. They'll be your guide back home."

"This melody will bring you right back home. When life leaves us blind, Love keeps us kind."


Somzbody said…
I think I just came looking at the pictures :-)

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