
I have walked past this fairly new place at the Heartland Mall several times and each time at peak dining hours, there have always been a queue. New joints are sprouting out everywhere and sometimes I just wonder how much money people spent on renovation and if they do not make it, another one will take over and do another renovation. Wastage, loss of money so who is making all the money? The landlord and the banks?!

Anyway, sometimes we have to support enterprise. I happened to be early that day, no I think I was rather late perhaps so there was no queue. I came to "Suki-Ya"- eat all you can sukiyaki and shabu shabu.

Buffets can be nice but be careful of overeating. It is easy.

I really like the pot when they poured soup into it. This is like the symbol found inside a bagua, the yin yang symbol. You can choose two types of soup. I chose the laksa gravy and a stronger tasting pork based soup and made a distinct yin yang symbol.

Thin slices of meat - chicken, pork and beef are free flow but the two of us only had a few trays of these thin slices of both meat but we dispensed of the chicken. 

I love the beef  which like the pork cooks easily and quickly as they were thinly sliced for sukiyaki and shabu-shabu. 

Mushroom and corn is a fabulous combination. You can add all you like including other vegetables. Do not despise the humble corn which is one of the world's most widely used food staples. It is always tasty. I remembered that when I was young, during "wayang" time, the hawker would come on a motorcycle to peddle corns where he would put a stick through it and sell it for a small sum. Today, everything is done for you, they scrap it out and put them in a cup with butter and called it cup corn. No wonder some children think that chickens grow in plastic bags in a supermarket.

Although it is an air-conditioned place, be prepared to smell like the soup at the end of your battle.

Actually I love to do this at home too shabu shabu beef is the best.

I have to have some noodles even a small portion is good enough. Noodles are a great invention.

The pineapple is thus called because they said Christopher Columbus discovered it. Pina means small in Spanish combine with apple in English. So when someone say you have a pina body part do not be too happy. 

How many of you know that the most nutritious part of the pineapple is at the core of the fruit. It is not as nice to eat but it contains valuable vitamins and nutrients and have the most living enzymes in it. Have a slice of pineapple every other day, it is very healthy for you and try not to discard the core but eat it. I had a few slices after a full meal.

This is very easy to eat and not too heavy but the next time I shall choose a lighter soup for the other choice to have a better balance. To eat so much for the price is fair so the next time when I do not know what else to eat and when the queue is not too long, I will be back.


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