Video Technology For Soccer? Wakey, Wakey FIFA!
Technology Years ago when they need to see is what happening to your heart, they insert a tube with camera through your thigh to get there. This is not only intrusive and painful but very costly. The reason why they did that was because that was the best way to do it with the technology available at the time. Today, a MRI scan can take pictures of your heart and read it like a road map via satellite showing where is your CTE, PIE, KPE or AYE and it costs a tenth of the previous method with zero pain. Who wouldn't want to embrace this right? Well FIFA wouldn't. Reasons The reasons why FIFA or those who object to video technology are: football involves controversy, it is too costly to implement, soccer is not perfect, there has to be emotions and drama, halting play to verify causes delays (players are already using delay tactics) and whatever and they are all lame. FIFA General Secretary said "videos are definitely not on the table but two additional assistants...