Oui! The Spas Are Closing!

I am not sure how long it has been but from my living memory, it was from my grandmothers' time to my mum's. In my generation's early years, they were still like pure luxury but these days everybody goes to the spas like just going to the hair salon. Hairstylists used to be called barbers during those days where prawn noodles have their prawns sliced in half so that when you have six pieces there were actually only three prawns and the moment they gave you three large full unshelled prawns they charge you 200 per cent more. These days all hairstylists are London-trained or is it that they have taken a London train? People don't even cut their own nails these days, even for their dogs and I'm feeling really left behind.

I love motor cars and it started from childhood collection of matchbox toy cars. I used to read auto-magazines and one day when one of them offered a car polish scheme at a meaningful price, I got myself one since the magazine has a good reputation and following. I paid a few hundred bucks in advance for something like ten sessions or for a year but as my car at the time was a white one after a few times of polish and wax, I began to have a little problem. Either the place where I wanted to get the job done was overwhelmed with over-booking or because my car was white and hence more troublesome to clean, it became clear it was always very difficult to get an appointment of my choice of date and location. Eventually, I simply gave up. A couple of years later, I learned from quite a few friends who joined a specialist polish and wax scheme that went bust. They paid maybe a thousand dollars for a year and were barely half way there.

Recently, Spas are going bust some without notice and others simply place a notice that nothing is redeemable. They probably work on an advance payment scheme say for $1200 for 12 sessions but you pay out on the very first session for all the sessions and services you haven't used probably to save $200 which would be the price if you didn't signed up. Bingo. They make you focus on the savings and goodies that may be thrown in but you cough up good hard cash of $1,000 and if you multiply it by 1,000 or 3,000 people you give them no reason to continue working for you don't you agree. They might as well take the money and run. Pressure selling or not, Singaporean consumers must be more street smart and discerning. 

Just ask yourselves a simple question: If the old uncle at the neighbourhood provision shop ask you to sign up for one year supply of provision but instead of $1,200, he will give you a discount of $200 so that you pay up $1,000 up front would you do it? You would probably look at that small shop and shake your head and who would do that for provision anyway? So who and why would people do that for spa, beauty and waxing? Because they see a posh decor at Orchard Road or an expensive address? Confidence tricksters often overdress don't you think?

Golfers suffered much for too long when you have to join a club with estate in order to play golf. But I would rather pay only when I play as a guest even if it costs more per time you play. This way you pay only when you use it.

If you were to go to a restaurant, your dinner may cost $200 but when they ask you to sign a one year or 12 sessions deal that cost $2000 that you have to cough up on your first meal so that at the end you can save $400, would you? What happens when they close down before you could finish using your vouchers? Or when you can't get a table? Or they get converted to a food court? Now you can eat for 10 years? Or the fine print says you can only use it for ala carte on weekdays? You see, they make you focus on that savings of a few hundreds which are not really savings and you can get all weak in the knees. Some Yoga centres' got problems with appointments too. Well, if you are looking for savings, I can give you too. Join my blog as members for 12 easy installments of $9.99 only. Early birds who sign on gets $8.88 (nice number), introduce a friend and you pay only $7.77 (Jackpot). Sign for two years to get $4.44 and pay me ten years straight to qualify for $2.88! Quick, limited membership and period!

The French says Oui, we Singaporeans say Oi! Wake up lah!!
Everything comes at a price. Focus on only what you need. One year is a very short time and fast for one to grow old but for a business not to go bust, it is a long time especially if you are waiting for your monthly session. Learn to say no!

It is this kind of people and businesses that give the proper ones a bad name not different from what the deplorable Romanian diplomat did to his fellow diplomatic community with the terrible things he has done. The worse thing is he has shown no remorse after killing someone. How did he hold office in the first place? The world is watching how the Romanian Government handles this fiasco. Not doing anything or giving some more lame excuses would mean that Romania allows its citizens to get away with anything as they please. I am absolutely certain that almost all countries will discharge that basic human duty to do the right thing. A criminal is a criminal regardless of race, language, religion or nationality

If Dr. Ilonescu gets away he will not learn and will commit similar or worse crimes in the near future even in his own back yard. No matter how he protested his innocence no one will believe him and he will never sleep well again - ever!

Finally, as a senior diplomat, he has gone to the wrong kind of night club which not surprising is reflective of his character. How could anyone knocked people down on the streets not once but twice and yet had the cheek to slow down, wind down his window and gave a chiding to someone who tried to stop him. Unheard of and reading about it made a lot of people's blood boil. I feel sad for Romania because I think Romanians are honourable people and not like him.


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