No Golf, Talk #$@%!

Talking #$%@!

I have received good comments on my blogs and I hope to keep up. However, there is a minor distraction and disturbance called work which often gets in the way. Besides, laptops are very popular at home too with the children and the wife and sometimes when I got home, I thought I've just walked in to a small Internet cafe. When I could lay my hands on one, it is usually pretty close to midnight. At times, the inspiration is just not there to write or I may do it half the way and quit and at another appropriate time to continue to build up the article.

To celebrate our independence day in the midst of a crippling economic recession why don't we just talk #$%@!? Come to think of it, I've been suffering from currency and economic crisis since the day my dad stop giving me pocket money, so what the heck!

A Good Tip

I take this opportunity to give you a good tip. Every time when you tee up for your very first shot at the tee box usually located close to the clubhouse, many would feel anxiety and tension creeping up. This is naturally so because there could be a few flights waiting behind, some people at the club house could be gazing and then the starter or Marshall are around. You then start thinking to yourself that you haven't played for a few weeks and this is the first shot and you had to make it a good one but you haven't really warmed up and you needed that good start very badly. You must prevail. Sorry to say that you are setting yourself up for failure for no matter what happens or how many times it happen, you have to think positive thoughts. Your mind is your greatest and most powerful weapon. As they say, golf is played six inches between your ears. Unless your head is smaller.

I want you to walk onto the tee box feeling like a pro, imagine both sides of the fairway lined up with spectators, visualise where you wanted your shot to land, clear your mind and just put that swing through. Concentrate on the process not the result. If after trying you still didn't get the desired result, think that if you don't get your shots straight and instead allowing them to hook or slice, you are going to kill and hurt a lot of people who are just innocent spectators. After a span of a few short years, you could have killed hundreds and hurt thousands and could be charged for murder. If such modus operandi still doesn't work, at the very last resort - just go for the jugular. Kill, maim, whatever, just let it rip - the ball I mean.


I wanted to talk about things through my own observations, about things that are hardly or never mentioned before and the topic may just jump at you and from where you are, to arouse a certain curiosity, to stir up passion, to get your logic into application and finally to explore. In the meantime, let me dream up more interesting articles to help lessen the pain in this journey. Golf imitates life, it's a journey and not a destination. So do not forget to enjoy the journey. Have a great trip!


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