Great Drivers & Long Drive Champions

Great Drivers & Long Drive Champions

Tiger Woods drove his BMW into a gas station one day and as he was getting out from the driver's seat, a couple of tees fell off onto the seat from his pocket. The pump attendant, an old man saw those tees on the seat, was curious and enquired what they were. So Tiger replied: "Oh, those are tees that you use to hold the balls when you drive." And the old man, thinking for a moment, shook his head and said: "Damn, these people at BMW really thought of everything!'

More on Tiger, he has been playing badly of late and I read that his putting was horrendous. Unfortunately, I'm playing just like him (but not the same score) and it is getting me impoverished but at least he gets to play in the competition for a few days so he has a chance to recover whereas I have to do so in only one day not knowing when the next game is. Sigh! This is not fair right? So, in the near future, I would like to change the game even for social ones into a series of at least three games spread over three days. They do this in badminton and other games too - best of three. If the scores are still tied and ends in a stalemate, up next would be sudden death at no extra costs and at the courtesy of the club to absorb the green fee. I'm sure no one will disagree with my proposal and I would probably get a few million names on petition.

In the meantime, I would like to thank all readers, friends and fiends who has written and spoken to me words of encouragement and those whom I have met recently telling me that the articles have been interesting, useful and informative.

I shall now leave you with a short article as I ponder and look for further inspiration to present you with more. Bruce Lee shared everything he knew without holding back, never afraid that others could learn more and those he taught would often share just a fraction of what they knew. When they later found out that Bruce had actually taught them so sincerely and truthfully, Bruce gained tremendous and deep respect and made many good friends.

Long Drivers

Alright, here you will find some interesting facts on some of the game's great drivers and long drive champions below:
Bubba Watson - 6.75 degree driver, length: 44 inches, club head speed: 125 mph, ball speed: 194 mph (incredible ratio of 1.552!), launch angle: 15-17 degree, spin: 1865 rpm (super low!), carry distance: 360 yards (329m).

Adam Scott - 8.5 degree driver, club head speed: 121 mph, ball speed: 170 mph, ratio: 1.404, average distance: 299 yards (273m).

Tiger Woods - 8.5 degree driver, club head speed: 125mph, ball speed: 185 mph, ratio: 1.48, launch anlge: 11 degree, spin: 2200 rpm, average distance 302 yards (276m).

Rocco Mediate - club head speed: 106mph, average distance: 290 yards (265m).

Sean Fisher (Long Drive Champion) - club head speed: 171 mph (out of this world!), ball speed: 218 mph (unbelievable!), ratio: 1.27, distance: 515 yards (470m) (this is not human!)

The real average amateur golfer's driving distance is only a paltry and miserable 205 yards (188m). So no need to kill yourself over it or swing yourself out of your shoes and flying over a cliff leaving behind only a pair of used golf shoes to your buddies. That is why you have another day job which is not in golf. Otherwise, we could all be rich as Nike, Adidas, Callaway, TaylorMade, Ping, Cleveland, Mizuno and every other big name in golf will be quequing up to pay you handsomely not to use their products but to use their competitors' products.

Remember that Annika Sorenstam always uses only 80 per cent of her strength and power in her swings. That's what we should emulate.

Be of good cheer! Until then.....


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