Oldies But Goodies (OBG) - TaylorMade r5 & Burner Hybrid

I remember when I was driving old cars, I was not only paying a loan and other costs, I have to cough out cold hard cash to do repairs as well. There were no source of reference, forums or Internet to surf and do research. Car magazines only talk about all those new marques I could never afford, none about used cars. Once, in a car wash, I saw from the side mirror, a rubber strip at the roof being blown off by by blow-dryer. I have to get out and searched around to retrieve it. Then during a day of thunder storm, one of the wipers flew off leaving me in the lurch and near panic. People frequently refer to the good old days. There have been more old movie remakes and even songs of yesteryear keep coming back sometimes as a repackage. There are always something good about old stuffs when we look back in life like the Van Cleef Aquarium or even the National Theatre where some of us have even performed there before. More so for people - older folks who bore the brunt of inconveni...