
Showing posts from March, 2010

Oldies But Goodies (OBG) - TaylorMade r5 & Burner Hybrid

I remember when I was driving old cars, I was not only paying a loan and other costs, I have to cough out cold hard cash to do repairs as well. There were no source of reference, forums or Internet to surf and do research. Car magazines only talk about all those new marques I could never afford, none about used cars. Once, in a car wash, I saw from the side mirror, a rubber strip at the roof being blown off by by blow-dryer. I have to get out and searched around to retrieve it. Then during a day of thunder storm, one of the wipers flew off leaving me in the lurch and near panic. People frequently refer to the good old days. There have been more old movie remakes and even songs of yesteryear keep coming back sometimes as a repackage. There are always something good about old stuffs when we look back in life like the Van Cleef Aquarium or even the National Theatre where some of us have even performed there before. More so for people - older folks who bore the brunt of inconveni...

National Bird

When I was younger my mum have to be the one waking me up in the morning. It was a struggle, I mean why can't she give me another 5-10 minutes sleep right? Then with a hot and delicious meal of breakfast painstakingly and lovingly prepared, we sometimes have no time to eat and just rushed off to school or to work. Looking back, I could have slept and got up earlier to partake that breakfast. I never needed an alarm clock. However, on weekends when I have to go fishing, I got up early all by myself. Now, the wife has taken over the mother but the struggle continues. Why are men like that? Or just me? I have not heard an alarm clock for ages. I mean even if I put two alarm clocks, I could not hear them in the morning. I could only get irritated by some neighbours who do not have the discipline to get up to stop their alarm clock's continuous ringing.  However, when I have to leave home early for Johor or Batam for golf years ago, I got up automatically by myself unaide...

What's In A Name?

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. What it means is "what matters is what something is, not what it is called" taken from Shakespeare 1600's Romeo and Juliet. Because of the feuding Montague and Capulet families, their love was troubled. So Juliet said: ""Tis but thy name that is my enemy. Thou art thyself though not a Montague. What's a Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot, nor arm nor face, nor any other part belonging to a man. O, be some other name! What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet; So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd, retain that dear perfection that he owes without that title. Romeo, doff thy name, and that name which is no part of thee. Take all myself." Locally, in the old days, people may be less educated and they gave their children simple names and as they have many children it may be quite a task so why not name them in association with their farm animals like (...

Cast V Forged Irons

Iron play is the bread and butter of golf and we cannot overemphasize its importance but many golfers may still be at a loss not only in what type of irons are suitable be they player's irons, game improvement or super game improvement. Add to it forged versus cast irons and we can get even more confusion. Super Game Improvement are like idiot proofed cameras, just point and shoot.  They help you in a maxiumum way. Game improvement offers a little help and mostly for intermediate players who aspire to be better lower handicappers while needing a bit of friendliness to get by while Player's type for for pros and single digit ones. During the old days when golf shafts are made from steel before graphite was introduced, they used to give us forged clubs which are often blades and difficult to play since they were being used by the pros.  Ping revolutionised the industry by creating an investment casting process so good that it sets the standard. Many professional golfers sti...

88 Days To The World Cup

David Beckham Imagine that you have to fly from Los Angeles to Milan or to London and quite often just to warm the bench not knowing if you were selected to play and yet you keep plugging at it. Then after doing this dedication for sometime hoping to play in your last World Cup and the world around you collapsed around you when you raptured your achilles tendon. This is what had happened to David Beckham.  Whether you love him or loathe him, you can have my assurance that Beckham was as good as having that ticket to South Africa in the bag until this unfortunate incident - 88 days to the World Cup. Is 88 a lucky number after all? How and why is he crucial to England? He is fit, experienced and a highly motivated professional and can be useful even in the dressing room. With 15-20 minutes to go in a big game, his dead ball expertise can be crucial from a free-kick, corners or even threading a 60 yard pass throught the eye of a needle with the ball dropping on the gallop...

The Emperor's New Clothes

I wish to make a confession. It was really my fault that put others in trouble. All the admiring ladies and women who strayed could not get to me so they settled for him. Ok, press conference over. Once you are over with self-actualization, you become famous, wealthy and successful, you can feel like god. People fall on their knees for you, women fall for you, people clamour for your attention, want to be seen in your company, they flatter you and say things you would like to hear. Since you have been surrounded in such environment which you then enyoy and bask in it, the  one person who speaks the truth to you sounded like the bad guy.  You could justify to yourself that it is a good trade off, I give you special treatment and you do my bidding or satisfy me in other ways. Fair dinkum. This is one end of the spectrum. At the other end, there are those who would be most willing to do that. I submit, kowtow, roll over and more and I get privileges, special treatments,...