Rod Stewart

I fulfilled one of my childhood dreams last Saturday - I was at the Rod Stewart concert at the Indoor Stadium. The booking was late as I had forgotten about it and were left with some of the better seats only. In our youthful exuberance, I used to adore these stars and bands like Eagles, etc. and such adulation was usually unabashed as reflected in those centre-spread pull-outs from Fanfare magazines used as pin ups on the walls in my room. One of my other favourites was David Cassidy, who was young and stylish and depicted life in the 70s. Cassidy, together with Susan Dey made The Partridge Family a classic and a favourite during the time. Those were the simple and care free days where your only real access to Rock and Pop was the once-a-week Monday hourly shot at Solid Gold where they featured performances and hits of the time. That hour was precious, just like the other soccer programmes on TV. Todays constant bombardment of MTV and l...